Outdoor Learning At shottermill


Outdoor learning is fun!  It is educational whilst also allowing children to play, explore and discover. We believe this will inspire their curiosity, stimulate their senses and develop their self-confidence and well-being.


 Our Outdoor learning sessions are run by Mrs Butler, a qualified and experienced forest school lead. She takes the children to our wildlife garden and other outdoor spaces.


Please can the children:

  • Come dressed in old clothes that you are happy for them to possibly get wet and dirty in
  • Wear wellington Boots (If you don’t have any wellies please let us know because we keep some in school)
  • Bring waterproof clothing
  • Bring a change of trousers and shoes.





The pond is full of frogspawn and tadpoles.


Contact Us

Shottermill Infant School, Lion Lane, Shottermill, Haslemere, Surrey GU27 1JZ


01428 642902