Thinking of training to be a Teacher?


Looking at getting in to teaching?

There are two local Teaching Schools who will be able to give you more information on how to get started:

Surrey South Farnham SCITT are an innovative, leading, outstanding, well established and highly respected provider of primary initial teacher training
working across all areas in Surrey and beyond. They have been rated as a top 10 UK provider.  Please click on HERE to read their brochure and find out more about how to train to become a Primary School Teacher.

St Polycarp’s Catholic Teaching School Alliance (CTSA) will give you an excellent start towards your future teaching career. We have a wealth of experienced, motivated staff working together in a friendly, inspiring environment to make all students feel valued and supported throughout their training.  The programme allows you to be a part of the teaching team from day one and will give you invaluable training in at least two of our alliance schools.   You can find out more by clicking HERE to visit their website


Contact Us

Shottermill Infant School, Lion Lane, Shottermill, Haslemere, Surrey GU27 1JZ

01428 642902